
Regan and Marie's eco-friendly wedding in Jim Thorpe

Regan and Marie's
wedding in Jim Thorpe

{Jim Thorpe wedding photography}

Guests - To be notified once Regan and Marie’s entire wedding gallery is ready to be viewed online, CLICK HERE to sign their virtual guestbook.  Please note- once you register, the gallery will appear expired but you will be notified once the wedding photos are up.

Before beginning to elaborate upon Regan and Marie's day and how wonderful it was, I'd like to say a few words in support of same-sex marriage. Regan and Marie chose to host their wedding celebration in Jim Thorpe, however (if they wanted to) they could not legally obtain a marriage license in the state of Pennsylvania. So although they gathered for a beautiful ceremony and an amazing party with their friends and family in Jim Thorpe a couple of weeks ago, they were actually married in Maryland at an earlier date. I am very pleased that the tide seems to be turning in Pennsylvania presently (hooray for Bruce Hanes and Montgomery County!) and hope our courts and legislators make us proud one day soon by overturning existing policy in favor of marriage equality. I'll just step off my soapbox now...

Utilizing the services of Jim Thorpe wedding planner Tara Banninger, Regan and Marie set the stage for their guests to party down in green wedding style. The food at the wedding was both environmentally friendly and delicious since catering was provided by local organic farm-to-table caterers, 14 Acre Farm. Marie is a long time vegetarian and the menu included a refreshing variety of imaginative meatless dishes (my favorite was the wild mushroom strudel -yum!). Regan and Marie also gathered seasonal flowers at the farm to use in their bouquets and centerpieces. Here is what Regan had to say when planning the event:
Our wedding is... eco-friendly (local food and flowers, wine and beer local from Maryland to NY, supporting local, independent business owners, minimal travel time (under 1 hour) for the majority of the wedding guests...Oh and my dress is second-hand from a woman with a little used dress shop by my mom's house :)
All of these elements came together to create an atmosphere and a celebration no one in attendance will soon forget. It was a great party! Thank you Regan and Marie for trusting me to be your photographer.

Though well planned, the day unfolded at its own pace and with a few surprises (as wedding days sometimes do!) and we had to make some last minute adjustments to the timing. I want to end this blog entry by sending additional gratitude/photographer love to two parties - Tara Banninger (the wedding planner) and Bob and Sheila, proprietors of the Gilded Cupid Bed and Breakfast in Jim Thorpe. Tara - thank you for your help just before the ceremony when a fuse blew and my lighting equipment went down momentarily. You are one cool lady under pressure! And Bob and Sheila - thank you thank you thank you for letting us use your property for photos. We only had a few minutes and needed to stay nearby and your beautiful B&B was perfect! Just for fun, I included a photo of Marie thanking Bob in the midst of the portrait session:-) Scroll on to check out this photo and others of my favorite moments from the day!

Credits: Brides' accommodations by the Suites on Broadway. Wedding and Reception at the Mauch Chunk Ballroom. Wedding Coordinator, Tara Banninger of Jim Thorpe Weddings and Events. Catering by 14 Acre Farm. Wedding flowers grown by 14 Acre Farm, picked by Regan and Marie, arranged by family and friends. Wedding cakes by Alpine Bakery. Regan's second hand bridal gown purchased at Elegant Affaire (Chalfont, PA). Marie's tux by White House | Black Market. Entertainment by DJ Carrie of Bar None Weddings & Entertainment.

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