
Betsy and Josh's engagement session

Betsy and Josh's engagement session (featuring special guest, Emma!)
Lehigh Valley engagement portraits

When Betsy and I talked about the possibilities for this shoot, I suggested that we find a cool couch and place it in a great location where it clearly didn't belong. Betsy loved the idea and thanks to a tip off from a friend, scored this sweet vintage couch at a local second hand furniture store. I was initially thinking of a field and given the time of the shoot (late April), I was hoping for forsythia. But since this was a particularly wet April, we decided to steer clear of the fields and instead discovered this great covered bridge nearby Betsy's mother's place. We have some wide stuff taking the whole scene in, but both Josh and I loved how the shadows of the bridge's interior created a subtle and striking backdrop for our lovely subjects. We had a good time shooting there and managed to find some forsythia on the way out too. (Hooray for primary colors!) Now Betsy and Josh have a great couch to show off in their home and possibly use at their wedding reception this October. Betsy said she's looking forward to hanging a portrait of them on the couch, above the couch. I wonder which she'll choose?

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