
Easton Wedding Photographers

Krista + Brian

wedding and reception at Lafayette College
Easton, PA wedding photography

What a fun wedding! Krista and Brian's early October wedding had a great mix of emotion, tradition, fun and dancing- lots of dancing. My favorite part was when the girls and boys split into two sides of the dance floor and had a dance off to Michael Jackson's "Beat It." I felt like I was in a Bollywood movie! Thanks Krista and Brian for trusting me to capture it all!

I (Amber) shot the wedding with the talented Tom Storm assisting. Tom did a great job and helped us pull together a set of images I love. Check out some of my favorites below.

1 comment:

  1. Amber & Tom did a fantastic job capturing the day, the mood and the people. It was great how Amber knew so much about the location. We couldn't have picked better photographers. The day flew by and the pictures tell a story that will last a lifetime. I can't wait to see the rest.
