
Oregon wedding photographers

Kim + Joe
wedding at the Resort at the Mountain
Welches, OR wedding photographers / Mount Hood wedding photographers

Kim and Joe taught us about "Offbeat Bride." In talking with Kim prior to the wedding, she described the details loosely and summed it up as an "offbeat wedding." I looked more into the blog she was referencing and discovered that we are very familiar with the offbeat bride. We just never had a good adjective for the vaguely free-spirited category that much of our clientele falls into. "Offbeat" refers to any couple that chooses to defy convention and make their wedding an affair that more closely matches their individual desires. The basic formula for a wedding is there, but the details are unexpected- that is unless you know the couple well. In that case, the details are often totally expected since they reflect the couple, not only tradition. Thanks for helping us get down with the lingo, Kim, and thank you both for inviting us to be part of your day! 

A few words about the Resort at the Mountain:
Very cool location. Friendly, professional staff. Nice grounds too. Although Hood was not visible from the part of the resort we were at, the view of the surrounding hills was awe-inspiring.  A good choice for a wedding location near Mt. Hood.

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